岡安真美(1984年福井県生まれ)は、幼少期に、数字に性格のようなものを感じとり、そのイメージを粒に投影した「arale」シリーズを制作。2017年からは、器形の作品だけでなく、りんごやティッシュなどの具象モチーフに粒を施した「記憶」シリーズを新しく展開する。 モチーフに対する関心と粒に込められた彼女の想いが、幻想的な存在感を醸し出す。
Manami Okayasu (b. 1984, Fukui, Japan) sensed that numbers have characters when she was a child, and she started to create the “Arale” Series where she projects this imagination into grains. Since 2017, a new series, the “Memory” series, was developed in which grains are applied to figurative motifs such as apples and tissues in replace of vessel-shaped works. Her interest in her motifs and her passion for grains have contributed to a fantastic sense of presence in her works.