川瀬は、樹木をモチーフに器型作品を制作する。樹木には幹のうねり、枝の曲がりや伸びに、生きてきた時間や過程が刻まれており、器にも作り手、使い手の重ねた時間が刻まれる。そんな 「今」に至るまでの過程に魅力を感じて、形にしている。
Kawase uses trees as motifs for his vessel-shaped works. The undulation of the trunk and the bending and stretching of the branches of a tree are engraved with the time and process of its life, and the container is also engraved with the time accumulated by the maker and the user. The process leading up to the “now” is what fascinates him, and is what he gives shape to.