岡本 涼香
Suzuka Okamoto
Goura victoria
綿布 木枠 次亜塩素酸ナトリウム、脱色、ステイニング
cotton cloth, stretcher, soum hypochlorite, decolorization, staining
©️2021 Systema Gallery
2019年 大阪成蹊大学 芸術学部造形芸術学科 卒業
受賞歴 2021年 「第2回全国大学選抜染色作品展」 奨励賞
Born in Osaka
2019 Graduated from Osaka Seikei University Faculty of Arts, Department of
Plastic Arts
Award 2021 “2nd National University Selected Dyeing Works Exhibition”
Encouragement Award
With the motif of “endangered animals,” bleach is used to decolorize the colored cotton cloth. I feel that the process of extinction of animals and the process of disappearing the color of colored cotton cloth have similarities to the common cause of human beings, and while feeling that, I used a technique called decolorization and disappeared. It brings out the image of an animal that is disappearing, and expresses that it will never return to its original state or that it will disappear.