Tea bowl, Karatsu style
Arakawa Toyozo
1894 | 岐阜県土岐郡泉村久尻に生まれる |
1906 | 神戸の貿易商に勤めるがすぐに帰郷。多治見陶器商の小僧になる |
1919 | 初代宮永東山を知り、2年後東山を頼って上洛。伏見の窯の工場長となる |
1927 | 北大路魯山人の星岡窯に招かれ、魯山人雅陶研究所の研究員に加わる |
1930 | 岐阜県可児郡久々利字大萱の牟田洞古窯址で志野の陶片を発掘 これを契機として次々に古窯址を発見 志野、瀬戸黒、織部などの茶陶が美濃で焼かれていたことを実証 |
1933 | 大萱に半地下式穴窯を築き古志野、瀬戸黒の制作に没頭 |
1942 | 川喜田半泥子、金重陶陽、三輪休和と「からひね会」を結成する |
1955 | 志野、瀬戸黒の技術で重要無形文化財保持者に認定される |
1968 | 文化勲章を授章 |
1985 | 91歳で死去 |
Not only he was the first potter to be designated as an holder of Important Intangible Cultural Properties, Shino ware, but also ARAKAWA Toyozo created masterpieces in other pottery . The item is e-Karatsu, that ash was applied over the body and motif was drawn with iron. Wheeling trails are intendedly left, and the part of the body was torn off at the top. Ash glaze and the finger mark remain there, so as to be a viewpoint. There are two Rinpa school-like Warabi plants in the front. The warm, deep but delicate atmosphere makes us want to hold and feel inside the item.
1894 | Born in Tajimi, Gifu pref. |
1930 | Excavated and researched pottery pieces in Ogaya, Mino, then proved that Mino was the birth place of Shino ware. |
1933 | Built his own anagama kiln in Ohgaya. |
1955 | Selected as a Living National Treasure for his Shino and Setoguro (Black Seto) work. |
1968 | Won the Order of Culture. |