Flower vase, Bizen, Ruiza pattern
Kaneshige Toyo
徹底的な土味の追求、高度な窯詰によって得られる窯変の多様な表情に加えて、口造り、 首の無造作な刻線、中腹で一旦膨らみを持たせ変化をつける所や、下部の大胆な削りなど、 現代にも通じる鋭敏な感性による造形は、もはやオブジェを見るかのような感覚を覚える。 底部に「ト」の彫銘。
1896 | 岡山県備前市伊部に窯元・金重楳陽(槇三郎)の長男として生まれる。本名は勇 |
1910 | 伊部尋常高等小学校卒業後、父について備前焼の道に入る 作風は細工物から茶陶へと向かう |
1932 | ロクロ成形にも工夫をこらし、1941年にはほぼ完成 |
1942 | 川喜田半泥子、荒川豊藏、三輪休和と「からひね会」を結成する |
1949 | 備前窯芸会を結成 |
1952 | 備前焼の技術で国から無形文化財に選択される |
1955 | 日本工芸会の設立に参加 |
1956 | 重要無形文化財保持者に指定される |
1960 | 山陽新聞文化賞、岡山県文化賞を受賞 |
1962 | 日本伝統工芸展審査委員 |
1964 | 二度に渡りハワイ大学の夏期講座に講師として招かれる |
1967 | 天皇、皇后両陛下備前町行幸啓の際には御前制作 勲四等旭日小綬章授章。72歳で死去 |
The form of the edge at the opening, easy lines at the neck, gently angled belly, and drastic cuts at the bottom. It makes us feel like his work is an object, not just a flower vase, from its appearance. In addition to the form, his intensive investigation on clay materials, variations of kiln change effect by highly trained planning of the placement in the kiln and by firing persuade us his artistic sense was cutting-edge. There is an inscription of his signature.
1896 | Born in Okayama, as a son of a famous potter family clan. |
1910 | After graduating from a junior school, started to learn Bizen pottery under his father. |
1955 | Helped establish the museum of Japan Kogei Association. |
1956 | Selected as a living national treasure for his Bizen works. |
1967 | When Japanese Emperor traveled to Bizen, he was selected to show his wheel technique in front of them. Toyo was called the father of re-establishment for Bizen ware. |