1933 | 大阪岸和田市に生まれる |
1952 | 京都市立美術大学工芸科陶磁器専攻に入学。 富本憲吉、近藤悠三の指導を受ける |
1956 | 卒業後茨城県立日立市の「大甕窯」設立に参加、ここで2年務めて退職する |
1958 | 益子の塚本製陶所で研修し1959年、益子で独立 |
1964 | 「現代国際陶芸展」「陶磁の新世代展」に招待出品。 日本伝統工芸会正会員になる |
1966 | ジャパン・アート・フェスティバルに招待出品 |
1967 | 日本陶磁協会賞並びに高村光太郎賞を受賞 |
1968 | 国立現代美術館主催「現代陶芸の新世代」に招待出品。 日本工芸会正会員を辞し無所属となる |
1969 | 岩手県遠野市で制作を始める |
1970 | 「現代の陶芸―ヨーロッパと日本―」に招待出品 |
1974 | 藝術選奨新人賞を受賞 |
1983 | 49歳で死去 |
KAMODA Shoji created and exhibited new characteristic patterns for every solo exhibition. This item was made around 1972. Organic shapes are colored in red, black, green and dark blue on rough clay. The pattern is abstract with vivid and lively brush strokes that cannot obtain from any prints. Although the transparent glaze is applied for practicality, it strongly shows its presence as an artwork.
1933 | Born in Kishiwada, Osaka. |
1952 | Enrolled in Kyoto City University of Arts, majoring in Ceramics at the Department of Crafts, and studied under Tomimoto Kenkichi and Kondo Yuzo. |
1956 | After Graduation, started to work as an engineer at Hitachi Ohmika Pottery Studio for two years. |
1958 | Did Internship at Tsukamoto Seitojo, a Pottery Factory in Mashiko, and become independent next year. Works hard on ash glaze and Ameyu glaze. |
1967 | Awarded Takamura Kotaro Prize, for the first person to be awarded as a potter. |
1969 | After moving to Tohno city, Iwate prefecture, he explored his new style of using curving lines and inscription patterns and colored pottery. |
1974 | Awarded the Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts. |