Tea bowl
Kawakita Handeishi
「秋晴れや おれはろくろのまわるまま」川喜田半泥子先生の句である。
1878 | 大阪市東区で生まれる |
1903 | 百五銀行に取締役として入行する |
1909 | 津市議会議員に当選(1913年に再選) |
1910 | 三重県議会議員に当選 |
1912 | 津市南郊外にある千歳山を購入する 千歳山の土が陶土であることを知り楽焼を試みる |
1916 | 三重農工銀行の頭取に就任 日本画を狩野派の三谷有信に学ぶ |
1919 | 百五銀行の頭取に就任(昭和20年まで在任) |
1922 | 三重合同電気会社(のち中部電力に合併)に社長として就任 |
1925 | 明治生命監査役に就任 千歳山北部に両口倒焔式の石炭窯を築く |
1930 | 私財及び、旧宅の土地を寄付し、財団法人石水会館を設立する |
1933 | 小山冨士夫設計の二袋煙突式薪窯を千歳山南端に築き、轆轤場も設ける (小山冨士夫・真清水蔵六らが来て、初窯を焚くが失敗に終わる) |
1934 | 多治見・瀬戸の窯、また朝鮮半島や唐津の古窯址を見学調査 自らの設計で三袋の登窯を築き、初窯を成功する(翌年から「千歳窯」と呼ぶ) |
1942 | 荒川豊藏・金重陶陽・三輪休和と「からひね会」を結成する |
1943 | 南画家・藤本木田らによって「千歳山半泥子六十六名碗鑑」を刊行 |
1945 | 百五銀行頭取を辞任し、会長となる 終戦後、千歳山を進駐軍に接収されたため、津市郊外長谷山に疎開する |
1946 | 千歳山の窯を長谷山に移し、広永陶苑を創設する |
1950 | 百五銀行相談役となる |
1954 | 喜寿を記念して、喜寿祝賀77碗をつくる |
1956 | 藍綬褒章授章 傘寿記念の茶碗80碗の製作を始める(希望者多数により100碗となる) |
1957 | 八十寿祝賀会開催 参加者100人に記念の茶碗と図録「半泥子八十賀百碗鑑」を贈る |
1958 | 広永窯に泥仏堂を建立 |
1963 | 84歳で逝去 |
KAWAKITA Handeishi regarded the character of clay as the most important.
His hands worked as guide, and helped the clay move as it feels, and as it likes, just as the clay has his life. He successfully helped this difficult muddy clay to stand and form the Irabo-like Chawan, handling gently along with the rhythmical movement of the pottery wheel. From the wheeling marks, the movement of muddy clay, the torn-offed rim, and the stylish shrinkage, we can find his generosity and his sensitive fingers work at the same time.
1878 | Born in Osaka |
1903 | Become a director at Hyakugo Bank |
1909 | Become a council of Tsu city in Mie, and reelected in 1913 |
1910 | Become a council of Mie Prefecture |
1912 | Bought Chitoseyama mountain, which he later knew the clay was suitable for pottery and tried Raku ware. |
1916 | Became a president of Mie Farmers Bank.Studied Japanese painting under Mitani Arinobu, one of Kano School masters. |
1919 | Inaugurate a president of Hyakugo Bank until 1945 |
1922 | Became a president of Mie Electric Company, Chubu Electric Power |
1925 | Became a Auditor of Meiji Life Insurance Company. Built a Charcoal Kiln at Chitoseyama mountain |
1930 | Established Sekisui Kaikan Incorporated Foundation |
1933 | Built wheeling studio and a kiln which was designed by KOYAMA Fujio at Chitoseyama mountain |
1934 | Researched on kilns in Tajimi, seto, and old kilns at Karatsu and in Korean Peninsula. Later built Chitosegama kiln designed by himself |
1942 | Became a member of what is known as "Momoyama Revival Movement" with ARAKAWA Toyozo and KANESHIGE Toyo |
1954 | Made seventy seven tea bowls for the anniversary of seventy seven year-old. |
1956 | Awarded Medal with Blue Ribbon. Started to make eighty tea bowls for the eighty year-old anniversary. |
1957 | Give his tea bowl and a catalog to the participants of his eighty year-old anniversary party. |
1958 | Built his tearoom "Deibutsu-do" at Hironaga kiln |