兵庫県出身。神戸芸術工科大学 先端芸術学部 クラフト・美術学科 卒業。 同学 大学院 芸術工学研究科 総合アート&デザイン 修了。 第55 回日本現代工芸美術展 近畿展 「KBS 京都賞」 第54回兵庫工芸展 「準大賞」 第3回金沢・世界工芸コンペティション 入選 第56回日本現代工芸美術展 本展 入選 第55回兵庫県展 「伊藤文化財団賞」
She embody phenomenon of the natural world and the trace, the moment which keeps moving hourly, in the glass. And, the life lodges at something mineral matter by her.
Born in Hyogo in 1994.
Graduated from the Department of Crafts and Fine Arts, Kobe University of Art and Technology in 2016.
Graduated from the Graduate School of Art and Engineering Comprehensive Art & Design of the same university.
55th Japan Contemporary Art Crafts Kinki Exhibition “KBS Kyoto Prize”
54th Hyogo Craft Exhibition “Second Prize”
Selected for the 3rd Kanazawa World Craft Competition
Selected for the 56th Japan Contemporary Art Exhibition
55th Hyogo Prefectural Exhibition "Ito Cultural Foundation Award"