松本 由衣 / 穀物を入れる器
Yui Matsumoto / Container for cereal grain
dining gallery 銀座の金沢
dining gallery Ginza no Kanazawa
出展作家 | 赤地 径 / 黒木 紗世 / 坂井 直樹 / 白岩 玲子 / 田圃 佳代子 / 中野 雄次 / 名雪 園代 / 藤野 征一郎 / 松本 由衣 / 森岡 希世子 / 山﨑 美和Kei Akachi / Sayo Kuroki / Naoki Sakai / Reiko Shiraiwa / Kayoko Tambo / Yuji Nakano / Sonoyo Nayuki / Seiichiro Fujino / Yui Matsumoto / Kiyoko Morioka / Miwa Yamazaki |
Gallery concept
We will introduce artists influenced in cultural climate of Hokuriku and Kanazawa, they all create fine quality creative kogei works. The beauty of life and Japanese behaviors that “Yo-no-bi(beauty of usage)“ brings, and the beauty of expressions that affect the harmony of space and forms of perception. You will feel the world-view and time-experiences that the kogei shows.