川井 雄仁
KAWAI Kazuhito
Tonight, Tonight
Tonight, Tonight
H49.0 x 32.0 x 28.0 cm
2007年 チェルシー・カレッジ・オブ・アート(UAL) BA(Hons)ファインアート科 卒業、2018年 茨城県立笠間陶芸大学校研究科 卒業。現在は茨城県にて制作を行っている。 ロンドンで現代アートを学んだのちに、陶芸というメディアと出会ったことで、創造性が解放され突破口を見出す体験をした。ダイナミックな色と形が特徴の陶芸作品は不規則さや醜さ、グロテスクさ、脆さなど様々な表情を見せ、素材によって引き出された自己の内面を重層的に表出している。また積み上げられた土の塊は粘土と自分との対話という時間軸を反映している。
Kazuhito Kawai (b. 1984, Ibaraki, Japan) graduated with a BA Fine Art at Chelsea College of Arts (UAL) in 2007. After studying contemporary art in London, he encountered his new medium which was ceramics and experienced the liberation of his creativity allowing him to find a breakthrough. Kawai then graduated at Kasama College of Ceramic Art (Ibaraki) in 2018 and is currently working in Ibaraki. His ceramic works, characterized by dynamic colors and shapes, show various expressions such as irregularity, ugliness, grotesqueness, and fragility, and express his inner self drawn out by the materials in a multilayered manner. The piled-up lumps of clay reflect the time axis of a dialogue between the clay and himself. He has been exhibiting in Japan and overseas such as Hong Kong, Brussels, Los Angeles and more.