新里 明士
luminescent.... / Carves
luminescent.... / Carves
Courtesy the artist, Yutaka Kikutake Gallery
主な受賞歴に2005年イタリアファエンツァ国際陶芸展新人賞、2008年パラミタ陶芸大賞展大賞、国際陶磁器展美濃審査員特別賞、2009年菊池ビエンナーレ奨励賞、2014年MOA岡田茂吉賞新人賞、2020年度 日本陶磁協会賞受賞。代表作「光器(こうき)」は、透過性の高い白磁に穴をあけ、穴に透明の釉薬を埋めて焼成した作品。作品自体が光を帯びたかのような印象をあたえる同作は、光に透け文様が浮かび上がる様を蛍にたとえた中国の技法「蛍手(ほたるで)」を独自に進化させることで生み出された。世の日常を超えた器の在り方を探る本技法から、近年では、伝統に根ざしながらも素材と自身の身体との対話から率直に生まれる痕跡を造形化する作品に取り組んでいる。
Akio Niisato, born in 1977, Chiba, left Waseda University Philosophy course and graduated Tajimi City Pottery Design and Technical Center(Ishoken) in 2001. The artist was awarded as the emerging artist of Premio Faenza 2005, the Grand Prize of Paramita Ceramics 2008, the Special Judges’ Award of International Ceramics Competition Mino, the Honorable Award of Kikuchi Biennale 2009, the emerging artist of Okada Mokichi Grand Prize 2014 and the Ceramics Grand Prize of the Japan Ceramic Society Award 2020. He is now a renowned artist who had exhibited his works in America, Italy, Romania, and more countries. His well-known work, “Kouki” (Vessel of Lights) is a piece of highly transmissive white porcelain with holes drilled and filled with transparent glaze before it has been fired. It gives the impression of the piece glowing which is the result of a unique evolution of the Chinese “hotarude” technique, a technique named after fireflies (hotaru) since the patterns emerging through the lights looks similar. In recent years, he has been working on a dialogue between his body and the material whilst also using traditional methodology.