小野 耕石
ONO Kouseki
D.K.D.S.d No.18
D.K.D.S.d No.18
oil-based ink, paper, aluminium sheet
H630 x W510mm
Born 1979 in Okayama, graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, selected for the VOCA exhibition in 2015, two-person exhibition at the Sezon Museum of Modern Art in 2019, large scale solo exhibition at the Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art in 2021.
Based on printmaking techniques, his expression makes viewers think about the process of making a work into a work of art. The finely drawn dots are screen-printed over and over again, the ink forms columns of a few millimeters, and the entire screen becomes an accumulation of colors and shadows. These are connected to the image of the countryside of his hometown.