鯉江良二(1938- 2020)は、愛知県常滑市で生まれた陶芸家です。器物から、前衛的なオブジェやインスタレーション作品まで、ジャンルを超越した多様な作品を、パワフルに、自由奔放に制作しました。また、すさまじい高熱と喪失を想起させる代表作、反核を題材にした「チェルノブイリ・シリーズ」「ノー・モア・ヒロシマ、ナガサキ」や、自身の顔を象った《土に還る》等、メッセージ性の強い作品を発表し続けました。
KOIE Ryoji (1938-2020), born in Tokoname City, Aichi Prefecture, is ceramic artists. He produced a wide variety of works that transcended genres, from traditional ceramic vessels to avant-garde objects and installations, in a powerful and unrestrained manner. He also continued to produce works with a strong message, such as the “Chernobyl Series” and “No More Hiroshima, Nagasaki,” which were based on the anti-nuclear theme, and “Return to the Earth,” which is an image of his own face, as well as other representative works that evoke the tremendous heat and loss of life.