井上 七海
INOUE Nanami
Acrylic and gesso on cotton fabric over panel
Acrylic and gesso on cotton fabric over panel
1030x 1456 mm
photo by Osamu Sakamoto
- 1996
- 愛知県生まれ
- 2019
- 名古屋芸術大学美術学部美術学科洋画2コース 卒業
- 2021
- 京都芸術大学大学院修士課程美術工芸領域油画分野 修了
Nanami Inoue was born in 1996 in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, where she currently lives and works. She graduated BA oil painting Nagoya University in 2019 and received her MFA in oil painting from Kyoto University of the Arts Fine & Applied Arts field in 2021.
By repeating the singular act of drawing lines, Inoue attempts to free the painting from being bound to the idea that a painting must necessarily be a drawing of something. Inoue’ s physically repetitive actions may seem mechanical, but the more precise she aims to become, the more apparent it becomes that she is not a machine. This difference turns into a visual image through the tracks she leaves behind in her paintings. In an age where we are required to create 1 from 0, the inadvertent and slight differences that make up Inoue’ s works allow us to become aware of the infinity that lies between 0 and 1.