Mika Horie
When I am at a crossroad 岐路に立った時 (9/10)
When I am at a Crossroad (9/10)
Cyanotype Print on Handmade Gampi Paper
Photo by Yuji Imamura Courtesy of Sokyo Gallery
1984年京都府生まれ。現在石川県加賀市山中温泉を拠点に国内外で活動。2007年京都造形芸術大学情報デザイン学科卒業、2009年ロンドンキングストン大学ファイン・アート修士課程修了。主な個展に、IAPMA(International Association of Papermakers and Paper Artists) PAPER International Congress、ブラジリア大学、ブラジリア、ブラジル (2016);WATERFRONT、KG+ KYOTOGRAPHIE, trace、京都(2018); Life is a Circle (KG+ KYOTOGRAPHIE, 紙司柿本、京都(2019)艸居アネックス、京都(2020); Trees, Water, and Light(IBASHO、ベルギー、アントワープ (2022)。主なアートフェアにパリ・フォト, パリ, フランス (2022);KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa、石川(2022)などがある。
Born 1984 in Kyoto. Currently based in Yamanaka Onsen, Kaga City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan and internationally, he graduated from Kyoto University of Art and Design, Department of Information Design in 2007 and completed his MFA in Fine Art at Kingston University, London in 2009. Major solo exhibitions include IAPMA (International Association of Papermakers and Paper Artists) PAPER International Congress, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil (2016); WATERFRONT, KG + KYOTOGRAPHIE, trace, Kyoto (2018); Life is a Circle (KG+ KYOTOGRAPHIE, Kamiji Kakimoto, Kyoto (2019); Sokyo Annex, Kyoto (2020); Trees, Water, and Light, IBASHO, Antwerp, Belgium (2022). Major art fairs include Paris Photo, Paris, France (2022); KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan (2022).