平石 裕
Yu Hiraishi
Moving Line (yellow-1)
真鍮、ステンレス、ウレタン塗装、(Metal Jewelry)
Brass, Stainless Steel, Urethane Paint, (Metal Jewelry)
Yu Hiraishi
- 1948
- 愛知県豊橋生まれ
- 1970
- 武蔵野美術大学工芸工業デザイン科クラフト金工卒業
- 2015
- LOOT 2015(Museum of Art & Design)
- 2017
- 伊丹国際クラフト展(伊丹/兵庫)
コレクション:Museum of Arts & Design (ニューヨーク)、Espace Solidor Cagnes-sur-Me美術館(カーニュ・シュル・メール/フランス)他
- 1948
- Born in Toyohashi, Aichi
- 1970
- Graduated from Craft & Industrial Design Course of Musashino Art University
- 2005-2006
- SOFA New York Show(from Museum of Arts & Design Auction)
- 2006-2008
- SOFA New York Show & Chicago Show (from The DAVID Collection)
- 2015
- LOOT 2015 ( Museum of Art & Design / New York, USA)
- 2016
- The Cominelli Foundation’s Permanent Collection for Contemporary jewelry (Padova, Italy)
- 2017
- Itami International Craft Exhibition (Itami, Hyogo)
- 2019
- Alleges Legacy Award & Collection 2019 / Musee du Bijou Contemporain Espace Solidor (Cagnes-sur-Mer / France)
Award: 2013 ENJOIA’ T 2013 /:A-FAD/Premio Enjoiat Profesional (Barcelona / Spain), and others
Collection: Museum of Arts & design (New York/USA), Musee du Bijou Contemporain Espace Solidor (Cagnes-sur-Mer / France) and others