竹内 真吾
Shingo Takeuchi
Sekki Vase
Stoneware, pottery
Photo: Shingo Takeuchi
- 1955
- 愛知県瀬戸市生まれ
- 1995
- 日本の陶芸7人展(GALLERY DAI ICHI/ニューヨーク)
- 2002
- アジア太平洋地区国際現代陶芸招待展(台湾)
- 2005
- 韓国世界陶磁ビエンナーレ国際公募展特別賞
- 2006
- 現代陶芸その未来展(松坂屋名古屋店美術画廊)
- 2011
- 作家たちの古今20年の歩み (古川美術館/名古屋)
- 2016
- 幽玄日本現代陶芸展(ミラノ)
- 2018
- 個展(介末craft/上海)
- 2021
- アート・マカオ出展
- 1955
- Born in Seto City, Aichi Prefecture
- 1995
- 7 Ceramist ceramics exhibitions in Japan (GALLERY DAI ICHI /New York)
- 2001
- Open Production for Artist in Residence in Seto
- 2002
- International Asia-Pacific Contemporary Ceramics Invitational Exhibition (Taipei Yingge Ceramics Museum)
- 2005
- World Ceramic Biennale Korea International Competition Special Prize
- 2006
- Modern Ceramics That Future Exhibition (Art Gallery/Matsuzakaya Nagoya Department Store)
- 2011
- Author's History of 20 Years (Furukawa Museum of Art)
- 2016
- “Yugen” Contemporary Japanese Ceramics (OFFICINE SAFFI/Milan/Italy)
- 2018
- Solo exhibition (Jiemo craft/Shanghai)
- 2019
- Artist in Residence (Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park/Japan)
- 2021
- Exhibiting to Art Macao