中村 卓夫
Takuo Nakamura
Vessel, not a Vessel, Irises
H200 x W510 x D320 mm
金沢で三代続く窯屋の次男に生まれ、金沢の琳派の流れを汲む陶芸家として茶の湯に使用する焼物を主に制作してきた中村だが、近年では建築的スケールの仕事や空間を支配する大型のオブジェの制作などで幅広く活動。主な展覧会に2000年「うつわをみる」東京国⽴近代美術館(東京)、 2015年「中村卓夫陶展—かざり/空間-」現代美術⾋居(京都)などがある。メトロポリタン美術館(ニューヨーク)、⾦沢 21 世紀美術館(⾦沢)、東京国⽴近代美術館(東京)他収蔵。
Born in Kanazawa as the second son of a pottery family that has stretched for three generations, Nakamura has mainly produced pottery used for tea ceremony, following the Rinpa school of Kanazawa. However, in recent years, he has been also been active in creating architectural scales work and other large objects that dominate the space.
Exhibitions include: Living with Craftart (Kurashi ni ikizuku kōgei), National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo in 2000, and Kazari /Space (Decoration/Space), Sokyo Gallery, Kyoto in 2015. Collections include: National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo; Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY; 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa and more.