三菱UFJフィナンシャル・グループはパーパス「世界が進むチカラになる。」を実現させる一環として、2023年より「伝統と革新」をコンセプトに工芸の文化や技術の継承を支援し、変化の時代に必要なイノベーションを学ぶことを目的とした「MUFG工芸プロジェクト」を開始しています。 MUFGは、2023年から「KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa」のリードスポンサーを務めており、今回はお客さまに工芸に触れる体験をご提供したいと考え、木工職人の中川周士氏が制作した「木桶の茶室」を会場に特別に設置しました。11月29日(金)・30日(土)の2日間、「ハイアット セントリック 金沢」2階にて、裏千家今日庵業躰の奈良宗久氏が席主を務める「MUFG茶会」を開催します。桶の技術を応用した茶室で、MUFG工芸プロジェクトの関連作家などの作品と共に、木の香りと抹茶を是非お楽しみください。
- 日 時
- 11月29日(金)、11月30日(土)いずれも下記時刻の5席
14:45-15:15/15:30-16:00/16:15-16:45/17:00-17:30/17:45-18:15 - 会 場
- ハイアット セントリック 金沢 2 階
- 定 員
- 各回 5 名(予約優先)
- 参加費
- 5000 円(税込)
※参加費は石川県令和 6 年能登半島地震災害義援金へ全額寄付いたします。
※別途、KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa招待券または入場券が必要(11月29日はVIPプレビューのため招待券が必要) - 席 主
- 奈良宗久(裏千家今日庵業躰)
- 茶 室
- 中川周士(木工職人)
- 総合監修
- 秋元雄史(東京藝術大学名誉教授)
- 当日は中川周士氏が制作した「木桶の茶室」内にて呈茶いたします。
- 席入り時間が決まっておりますので、予約時間の5分前までにお越しください。
- ご予約の確定後、やむを得ない事情で欠席される場合は必ずご連絡ください。
- 本茶会の参加費はキャンセルによる払い戻しはございません、予めご了承ください。
- 当日予約はハイアット セントリック 金沢2階 MUFG茶会受付までお問い合わせください。

- 日 時
- 11月30日(土) 10:00-12:00 / 13:30-15:30
- 会 場
- 国立工芸館(金沢市出羽町3-2)
- 定 員
- 各回20名
- 参加費
- 3,000円
Special Visit to the Exhibition at the National Crafts Museum
This special visit to the exhibition, held from Friday, September 6 through Sunday, December 1, features commentary from the curator of the Imaginal Crafts exhibition, followed by a chance to view the works on display.
“Touch&Talk” Hands-On Visit
“Touch&Talk” is an interactive way for guests to experience crafts, through hands-onencounters with example crafts from the collection of the National Crafts Museum. This event focuses on works by leading artists, including living national treasures like Yasokichi Tokuda and Kunie Komori, as well as other masters of contemporary crafts.
Co-organizers: National Crafts Museum
- Date and Time
- 10:00 to 12:00 and 13:30 to 15:30, on Saturday, November 30
- Venue
- National Crafts Museum (3-2 Dewa-machi, Kanazawa)
- Capacity
- 20 people per session
- Fee
- ¥3,000 per person

池田晃将 (漆/螺鈿)
- 日 時
- 11月30日(土) 10:30-11:30(集合時間9:50)
- 定 員
- 10名
- 参加費
- 10,000円
Terumasa Ikeda (Lacquer / Raden Inlay)
This up-and-coming artist has made a name for himself with his high-tech approach to traditional crafts, incorporating laser cutting and CAD into his lacquering and raden mother-of-pearl inlay work. This visits to his studio in Kanazawa offers a closer look at how his intricately detailed works are created and to see some of his past works, as well as to talk with him about his thoughts on his works and about crafts in general.
Co-organizers: National Crafts Museum
Born in Chiba in 1987. He graduated from the Kanazawa College of Art Department of Craft in 2014 with a focus on lacquer and woodworking, and completed a master’s degree there in 2016. Since the end of his training at the Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo (Utatsuyama Craft Workshop) in 2019, he has continued to be based in Kanazawa. His extraordinarily elaborate production process transcends mere human excellence, resulting in a relatively limited artistic output. Despite their small number, his works are often exhibited at galleries and museums nationwide and overseas, through the cooperation of various collectors. (For artwork inquiries, please contact the Ginza Ippodo Gallery at tokyo@ippodogallery.com )
- Date and Time
- 10:30-12:00 on Saturday, November 30
- Fee
- 10,000 per person (Capacity of 10 persons)
- Trans.
- Private car ride from the Hyatt Centric Kanazawa

伝統工芸・輪島塗の技法を受け継ぎつつ、モダンな器に昇華した作品を制作。海外の有名レストランなどで使用されている。昔ながらの塗師を想起させる趣き深い工房にて、 漆と手仕事やこだわりの仕事道具について伺う。
1978年東京都生まれ。2007年に輪島へ移り、塗師・赤木明登のもとで修業。2013年に独立し2014年より金沢に工房を構える。 漆表現や漆工芸を進める際の協同による創造行為を大切にし、黒の色彩を探求する。また、古来より伝わる造形をもとに容れ物としての器の起源を遡り、現代に新しい美を表現。漆を塗る行為やその積み重なり、そして痕跡により獲得される触知的感覚を思索する。
※KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 2024 出展作家
- 日 時
- 12月1日(日) 13:30-15:00(集合時間13:00)
- 定 員
- 10名
- 参加費
- 10,000円
Akihiko Sugita (Lacquer)
Sugita uses the traditional techniques of Wajima Lacquerware, but with a distinctly modern sensibility on display in his works. Some of his lacquerware can be found in use at prestigious restaurants overseas. This visit to his charmingly old-fashioned lacquerware studio, to learn about lacquer, his handiwork, and the tools involved in the process.
Born in Tokyo in 1978. In 2007, he relocated to Wajima, Ishikawa, and trained under the lacquer artisan Akito Akagi. He went independent in 2013, and opened a studio in Kanazawa in 2014. His work values collaborative creation, advanced through the expressivity of lacquer and lacquerware as a craft, and explores the possibilities of the rich black color of lacquer. These items hearken back to the ancient origins of vessels and containers, while simultaneously demonstrating a decidedly contemporary sense of beauty. Sugita maintains a constant awareness of the tactile sensations involved in his work, as the lacquer is brushed on, gradually accumulating into layers, and leaving behind palpable traces.
*Exhibiting Artist at KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 2024
- Date and Time
- 13:30-15:00 on Sunday, December 1
- Fee
- 10,000 per person (Capacity of 10 persons)
- Trans.
- Private car ride from the Hyatt Centric Kanazawa

1980年北海道生まれ。東北芸術工科大学にて陶芸を 学ぶ。大学卒業後に金沢卯辰山工芸工房を経て、2011年に金沢で工房を構え、本格的に制作活動を開始。現在は金沢で白釉と色絵を基軸に器や茶器等を国内外で制作発表している。
- 日 時
- 11月30日(土) 13:30-15:00(集合時間13:00)
- 定 員
- 10名
- 参加費
- 10,000円
Yuichi Nakata (Ceramics)
This ceramicist’s work is beloved for its rustic lack of artifice, with coloration and brushwork that exist at the intersection of Japanese and Western sensibilities. Nakata works from a unique perspective, that the history of ceramics and personal experiences are interwoven, like an ongoing narrative still being told. His studio is located in a renovated machiya townhouse that was once a tatami mat shop, and visitors have the opportunity to encounter his philosophical worldview through both demonstrations of his work and conversations with him directly.
Born in Hokkaido in 1980. He studied ceramics at the Tohoku University of Art and Design. After graduating, he trained at the Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo (Utatsuyama Craft Workshop). In 2011, he established a studio in Kanazawa, where he began his production work in earnest. Today, he is based in Kanazawa, and his work focuses on white glaze and color painting on items like dishes and tea utensils, which have been shown internationally.
- Date and Time
- 13:30-15:00 on Saturday, November 30
- Fee
- 10,000 per person (Capacity of 10 persons)
- Trans.
- Private car ride from the Hyatt Centric Kanazawa

- 日 時
- 11月29日(金) 13:30-15:30(集合時間13:00)
- 定 員
- 10名
- 参加費
- 10,000円
Hitoshi Maida (Dyeing/Yuzen)
At the Maida Kaga Yuzen dyeing studio, Hitoshi Maida works alongside his father Kenji, and between the two of them they handle every single step of the Kaga Yuzen dyeing process. This type of division of labor is rarely seen in Kaga Yuzen, and offers visitors a chance to see the entire process from start to finish, from the initial design, to tracing outlines on the fabric in glue, to actually dyeing. Visitors can even try out some of these tasks for themselves. Additionally, for this workshop visit, a special dance performance is planned, featuring a geisha wearing a kimono made with Kaga Yuzen.
Born in 1974 in Kanazawa. In 2005, he became an independent Kaga Yuzen artisan, and in 2022, he followed in his father’s and grandfather’s footsteps, as the third generation of his family to be certified as a fully-fledged member of the Japan Kogei Association. His work combines Kaga Yuzen dyeing methods with his own unique resist-dyeing techniques, and his kimono designs integrate geometric patterns alongside Kaga Yuzen’s trademark natural-scenery-inspired designs. He has been involved in everything from fashions and interior decorations to package designs that make use of Kaga Yuzen techniques and designs.
- Date and Time
- 13:30-15:00 on Friday, November 29
- Fee
- 10,000 per person (Capacity of 10 persons)
- Trans.
- Private car ride from the Hyatt Centric Kanazawa

※KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 2024 出展作家
- 日 時
- 12月1日(日) 10:00-12:00(集合時間9:00)
- 定 員
- 15名
- 参加費
- 10,000円
Yoca Muta (Ceramics)
Yoca Muta’s Kutani Ware items are hand-shaped to create results that feel almost like paintings or ukiyo e prints, expressed in three dimensions. Her work has been exceptionally well received by collectors internationally. This visit features the new studio she established in 2023 in Nomi, where guests will see her studio environment and how she works, as well as some of her past work, and learn about her thoughts on crafts and art.
Born in Shibuya City, Tokyo in 1981. In 2008, she graduated from Goldsmiths, University of London with a BA in Fine Arts, and in 2012, she graduated from the Ishikawa Prefecture Kutani-ware Technical Training Institute. She is currently based in Nomi, Ishikawa. Her work focuses primarily on ceramics painted with colored pigments, with results that run the gamut from everyday tablewares and tea ceremony items to works of art. She grapples with the theme of a contemporary awareness of nature, as she creates colorful ceramics that draw upon plants, animals, mythical creatures, traditional patterns, and more.
*Exhibiting Artist at KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 2024
- Date and Time
- 10:00-12:00 on Sunday, December 1
- Fee
- 10,000 per person (Capacity of 15 persons)
- Trans.
- Private car ride from the Hyatt Centric Kanazawa

ベンガラ格子が美しい、1904年創業の老舗古美術店。国登録有形文化財 に指定された金沢町屋の店舗には、茶道具を中心とした古美術から近現代 の工芸までセレクトされている。 2024年は創業120年の節目の年として12月1日まで特別展示が催される。 当日は明治大正の名品を鑑賞しながら、古美術品でお茶が楽しめる。
- 日 時
- 11月29日(金) 16:00-17:00
12月1日(日) 15:30-16:30 - 場 所
- 金沢市十間町53
- 定 員
- 各回10名
- 参加費
- 3,000円
※店内見学のみは予約不要・無料(11/29(金)-12/1(日) 10:00-17:00)
This antique shop dates back to 1904, and still features beautiful wood latticework on its exterior. The building itself, a Kanazawa machiya townhouse, has been designated a Tangible Cultural Property by the national government. Inside, you’ll find a choice selection of tea ceremony items and other antiques, as well as modern and contemporary craft items. Ishiguro Shoten is celebrating their 120th anniversary in 2024 by December 1; visitors to the celebration can enjoy tea served in antiques, while looking at masterpieces from the 19th and early 20th centuries.
- Date and Time
- 16:00-17:00 on Friday, November 29
15:30-16:30 on Sunday, December 1 - Venue
- 53 Jikken-machi, Kanazawa
- Fee
- ¥3,000 per person (Capacity of 10 people per session)
(No reservation nor entry fee needed for simply looking around the shop; business hours are 10:00 to 17:00 during November 29 to December 1)

- 日 時
- 11月29日(金) 10:00-11:00 / 14:30-15:30
- 場 所
- 金沢市下新町1-8
- 定 員
- 各回10名
- 参加費
- 3,000円
※店内見学のみは予約不要・無料(11/29(金)-12/1(日) 10:00-17:00)
Kashimoto Kin’yodo
This cozy shop offers a selection of tea ceremony utensils and other items carefully curated by the owner. For this visit, the group first heads out from the shop’s location near the Higashi Chaya District, followed by a walk through town to a traditional chaya geisha entertainment venue, where guests enjoy a drink served in an artisanal craft item. The owner loves Kanazawa, and the walking tour covers more than just antiques, with plenty to learn about when it comes to local culture and history.
- Date and Time
- 10:00-11:00 and 14:30-15:30 on Friday, November 29
- Venue
- 1-8 Shimoshin-cho, Kanazawa
- Fee
- ¥3,000 per person (Capacity of 10 people per session)
(No reservation nor entry fee needed for simply looking around the shop; business hours are 10:00 to 17:00 during November 29 to December 1)

- 日 時
- 11月30日(土) 13:30-14:30
12月1日(日) 13:30-14:30 - 場 所
- 金沢市広坂1-2-27
- 定 員
- 各回10名
- 参加費
- 3,000円
※店内見学のみは予約不要・無料(11/29(金)-12/1(日) 10:00-17:00)
Shirai Bijutsu
Shirai Bijutsu is located near the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art. It was originally founded with the goal of offering a choice selection of excellent items that would delight customers. Today, the shop has a focus on local art with ties to Ishikawa, from the late 19th through mid 20th century. During the visit, the owner will talk about various precious items in his collection, and guests will also be able to enjoy tea and sweets at the historic Shoutou an tearoom at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art.
- Date and Time
- 13:30-14:30 on Saturday, November 30 and on Sunday, December 1
- Venue
- 1-2-27 Hirosaka, Kanazawa
- Fee
- ¥3,000 per person (Capacity of 10 people per session)
(No reservation nor entry fee needed for simply looking around the shop; business hours are 10:00 to 17:00 during November 29 to December 1)

- 日 時
- 11月29日(金) 14:00-15:00
11月30日(土) 15:30-16:30 - 場 所
- 金沢市安江町3-13
- 定 員
- 各回10名
- 参加費
- 3,000円
※店内見学のみは予約不要・無料(11/29(金)-12/1(日) 10:00-16:00)
Tohda Shoten
Tohda Shoten was established in 1975, and handles a wide variety of works of art, with a focus on crafts and tea ceremony utensils from the local region. This tour features a lineup centered around lacquerware decorated with maki e, which has long been highly prized internationally. The shop also has a tearoom inside it, providing guests with a quiet space to experience the tea ceremony using antique items. (No reservation nor entry fee needed for simply looking around the shop; business hours are 10:00 to 16:00 during November 29 to December 1)
- Date and Time
- 14:00-15:00 on Friday, November 29
15:30-16:30 on Saturday, November 30 - Venue
- 3-13 Yasue-cho, Kanazawa
- Fee
- ¥3,000 per person (Capacity of 10 people per session)

- 日 時
- 11月30日(土) 11:30-13:30 / 16:00-18:00
- 場 所
- 金沢市下近江町3
- 定 員
- 各回2名(最大3名)
- 参加費
- 10,000円
Since their founding around the mid 19th century, this shop has traded in antiques, particularly tea ceremony items. For generations, the family has prided itself on their refined sense of taste and style, continuing on to the eighth-generation owner of this shop today. This event is built around the theme of “The Joys of Drinking Vessel Crafts,” and the shop owner will talk about the beauty of sake cups and servers, as well as dishes and utensils, all alongside light refreshments and sake.
- Date and Time
- 11:30-13:30 and 16:00-18:00 on Saturday, November 30
3 Shimoomi-cho, Kanazawa - Venue
- 2 people per session (maximum 3)
- Fee
- ¥10,000 per person

- 日 時
- 11月29日(金)
14:00~15:30(closed) / 16:00~17:30
11月30日(土) 14:30~16:00 /16:30~18:00(closed)12月1日(日) 14:30~16:00(closed) - 集合場所
- ハイアットセントリック金沢 2F受付 (金沢市広岡1丁目5-2)
- 定 員
- 各回10名
- 参加費
- 6,000円(ラウンジ利用込み)
- 解説者
- 墨屋宏明(アートプロデューサー・アートコンサルタント/DART株式会社CEO)
石川県創業の真田紐「織元すみや」に生まれる。1995年−2016年 野村総合研究所でコンサルティング・広報に従事。 経済学者、 科学者、 社会学者、 アーティストら多様な先駆者が登壇する「NRI未来創発フォーラム」を企画。 同社在籍中に、 横浜トリエンナーレ2001・2005にボランティアとして参加、 アートが生まれる場づくりに興味を持ち、 2005年横浜旧財務局ビル”ZAIM”を拠点とするハッチアートを主宰し国内外の次世代アーティストらの展覧会を企画・プロデユース。 鎌倉のルートカルチャー 、 BOAT PEOPLE Associationなど都市・地域とアートをつなぐ活動を実践。 前アートフェア東京 マーケティング&コミュニケーションズ 統括ディレクター。文化庁とともに”日本のアート産業に関する市場調査”レポートを発信。 2021年よりDART取締役CEOとして、企業や地域、コレクターのためのアートアドバイザーの他、文化庁の文化芸術の創造的循環の創出事業の委員等を務める。2024年「ヴィムヴェンダースの透明なまなざし」展をキュレーション。
KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa 2024の会場であるハイアットセントリック金沢の14階にある「ルーフテラスバー」を専用ラウンジとして使用。工芸品での地酒提供や作家との交流も可能。
Japan’s only art fair with a focus specifically on artisanal crafts (kogei). Forty galleries from Japan and abroad gather at the Hyatt Centric Kanazawa, to exhibit and sell works by promising up-and-comers, as well as by well-established internationally active artists. This year’s Kogei Art Fair will feature a special tour of the event floor, with commentary, for an excellent opportunity to hear about recommended artists, popular galleries, and trends in crafts, and to get a closer look at the works on display.
- Date and Time
14:00-15:30(closed) and 16:00-17:30 on Friday, November 29
14:30-16:00 and16:30-18:00(closed) on Saturday, November 3014:30-16:00 on Sunday, December 1(closed)- Venue
- Hyatt Centric Kanazawa (1-5-2 Hirooka, Kanazawa)
- Capacity
- 10 people per session
- Fee
- ¥6,000 per person (includes entry to VIP lounge)
VIP Lounge
The Hyatt Centric Kanazawa, the venue for Kogei Art Fair Kanazawa 2024, has a rooftop terrace bar on the 14th floor that will serve as a private lounge for the event. Enjoy intimate encounters with crafts, such as local sake served in cups made by artisans, as well as encounters with artists.
We are pleased to offer a premium tour that includes special events from the KOGEI Art Fair Kanazawa. Please refer to the PDF below for more details.
11月29日(金)~12月1日(日)の3日間、金沢のまちなかのイベント会場とKOGEI Art Fair Kanazawaの会場をつなぐシャトルバスを運行しています。会場間の移動手段にぜひご活用ください。