津守 秀憲
TSUMORI Hidenori
胎動 ’21-1
Oscillation ’21-1
Glass, Clay
H540 ×D210× W525 mm
Born 1986 in Tokyo. Graduated from the Glass Program in the Department of Ceramic, Glass, and Metal Works at Tama Art University in 2012; completed the certification program at Toyama Institute of Glass Art in 2014, and a traineeship at Kanazawa Utatsuyama Kogei Kobo program in 2017.
Recipient of the Silver Prize at the 2018 Toyama International Glass Exhibition; the Grand Prize at the International Exhibition of Glass Kanazawa 2019, and the Second Prize at the 5th Triennale of Kogei in Kanazawa − 2022 Kogei World Competition in Kanazawa. He currently works in Tokyo, Japan.
I use an original combination of glass and clay, predicting how the materials will move when heated. I pursue to create artistic expressions and forms that draw out the material’s latent qualities.