- 1972
- 大阪府生まれ
- 1991
- 古谷信男氏に師事
- 1998
- 滋賀県立信楽窯業技術試験場釉薬科修了
- 1999
- 独立し、現在に至るまで全国各地で開催される個展、グループ展に参加
- 2007
- 経済産業大臣指定信楽焼伝統工芸士に認定
- 2012
- 第23回秀明文化基金賞受賞
- 2019
- スタンフォード大学、ユタ州立大学にてワークショップ、トレインキルン焼成に参加
- 陶郷信楽を拠点に活動。自作で築いた穴窯を主に使用し、陶土の魅力を引き出す現代の薪窯焼成を追求している。
Born in Osaka in 1972. Based in the ceramic village of Shigaraki. Bringing out the charm of pottery by mainly using a self-built anagama, and pursuing modern firewood kiln. After studying under Nobuo Furutani from 1991, completed Shiga Prefectural Shigaraki Pottery Technology of glaze course at the test site in 1998. Established since 1999, and has participated in solo and group exhibitions throughout Japan. Certified as a traditional craftsman of Shigaraki ware by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry; awarded the 23rd Shumei Cultural Foundation Award in 2012; participated in workshops and train kiln firing at Stanford University and Utah State University in 2019.