井上 雅子 / 猪野屋 牧子 / 大家 まい / 太田 恵利香 / 河田 里美 / 上端 伸也 / 小坂 未央 / 白井 渚 / 高岡 愛 / 中島 ゆり恵 / 堀 貴春 / 水元 かよこ / 牟田 陽日 / 由良 薫子 / 吉田 まゆ
URL | https://www.enishira.co.jp |
contact@enishira.co.jp |
金沢を中心とした北陸三県の工芸作家が手掛ける、人の手を介し、人の心が通い、心に訴えかける作品をご提供したいと考えています。手作りでありながら、クラフト過ぎず、洗練されたデザイン性。 伝統や経験を大切にしながらも、次世代に繋げる新たな面を持った革新性。これまで見たことがないようなモノであることで、喜びや感動を感じられる。縁煌で出会えるモノたちは、暮らしや心を豊かにするモノであり続けたいと考えています。
代表者 | 野原 歩 |
住所 | 石川県金沢市東山1-13-10 |
TEL | 076-225-8241 |
About exhibited works
I am fascinated by the power of decorative techniques that artists who live in modern age have created through trial and error.
The strong individuality and power of each work grabs our hearts in an instant and does not let go. We have selected works from artists in connection with Ishikawa Prefecture, and who have inherited the craft techniques and history that have been passed down from generation to generation, while at the same time touching the heartstrings of people living in the modern age.
Gallery concept
We would like to offer works that appeal to people's hearts and minds through the hands of craftsmen from Kanazawa, Toyama and Fukui. Handmade, but not too crafty and sophisticated in design. Innovation with a new aspect that connects to the next generation while respecting tradition and experience. We are pleased and moved by works that have never been seen before. We hope that the works you will encounter at Enishira will continue to enrich your life and heart.
Director | Ayumu Nohara |
Address | 1-13-10 Higashiyama, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, 920-0831, JAPAN |
TEL | 076-225-8241 |