蔣友柏 (ジャン・ヨウボ)
Demos Chiang
Dehua porcelain
L252 x W 157 x H179mm
Blue Dragon Art
1976年台北生まれ。 若い頃の西洋教育により、彼の作品において東洋と西洋の文化を融合した現代の新しい文人芸術のスタイルを示しました。 近年では絵画、彫刻、マルチメディアアート、トレンドアートで活躍をしている。 擬人化された動物を使って彼の観察と世界への関心を表現するとともに、内なる感情の記録と表現でもあり、鑑賞者は万物の平等に対する彼の鋭く官能的な特徴と、人生に対する誠実で粘り強い態度を読み取ることができる。
Born in 1976 in Taipei, Taiwan with his family roots and Western education as a teenager, Demos’s design and artistic creations are a contemporary fusion of Eastern and Western cultures and a new literati style. At the age of 30 he received outstanding achievements in commercial design and many international awards. In recent years, his artistic talent and connoisseurship have been manifested in paintings, installations, sculptures, multi media art and Urbart.
The works express the artist’s observation and concern for the world through anthropomorphic animals, they are also a record and expression of the artist’s inner feelings, allowing the viewer to read his sensitive nature, his equal heart towards all beings, and his sincere attitude towards life In particular, the poems inscribed in English on each work are full of true feelings and philosophical reflections, a continuation of the Chinese literati tradition of painting and calligraphy the painting techniques, such as the use of lacquer and water, splashing, scraping, and other Western techniques, produce variable texture, create rich layers, and bring out a sense of speed and fluidity through the brush.