村本 真吾
Shingo Muramoto
Edaha - Flowers fill, colors change.
漆、竹、麻布、和紙、ナイロン布 乾漆技法
Lacquer, bamboo, linen, Japanese paper, nylon cloth Dry lacquer technique
- 1970
- 石川県白山市に生まれる
- 1995
- 東京藝術大学工芸科 卒業
- 1997
- 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科工芸専攻漆芸研究分野 修了
- 2002
- 金沢卯辰山工芸工房 修了
- 2010
- 金沢卯辰山工芸工房 専門員 (〜2015)
- 2015
- 金沢市内に工房を設立
- 2018
- 寧波大学科学技術学院 特任講師 現在に至る
- 1970
- Born in Hakusan City, Ishikawa Prefecture
- 1995
- Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Crafts
- 1997
- Completed Master's program in Lacquer Arts, Department of Crafts, Graduate School of Tokyo University of the Arts
- 2002
- Completed the course at Kanazawa Utatsuyama Craft Workshop
- 2010
- Specialist at Kanazawa Utatsuyama Craft Workshop (-2015)
- 2015
- Established his own studio in Kanazawa
- 2018
- Specially Appointed Lecturer, Academy of Science and Technology, Ningbo University