Huang Poren
I'm Not Happy Now!
I'm Not Happy Now!
stainless steel
H480 x D200 x W320mm
黄柏仁(ファン・ポーレン) HUANG Poren|彫刻家
台湾を拠点とする彫刻家。1970年台中市に生まれ、木彫り事業を営む家で育つ。1989年に台湾復興美工彫刻科を卒業後、現在に至るまでアメリカ、ヨーロッパなど世界各国で個展を開催しながら各国のアートフェアに参加し活躍の場を広げている。台湾原住民族をテーマに制作された《The Archer》は台湾の高校美術教科書に掲載。また、自由である事の幸せを表現した《Happy Time》は国立台湾美術館にも収蔵されている。国民的作家として今後の活躍を期待されているアーティストの一人とされている。
HUANG Poren|Sculptor
Poren was born in 1970 in Taichung City, central Taiwan, and is currently based in the area. His talent as a sculptor has its roots in his family’s wood-carving business. Since graduating from the department of sculpture at Hu-Hsin Trade and Arts School in 1989, he has expanded his scope as an artist through his participation in art fairs in numerous countries and through his involvement in solo exhibitions around the globe, not only in Asia, but also in the United States and Europe. “The Archer”, a Taiwanese aborigine-themed sculpture is mentioned in the art textbook of Taiwanese higher education institutions and his “Happy Time”, expressing the happiness of being free, is in the collection of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art. Due to his remarkable success in Taiwan, he is recognized as one of the most promising artists in his home country.