吉田 有希
Aki Yoshida
King penguins' Okiagarikoboshi
Lacquer, colored lacquer, squeezed lacquer, Raden
H100 xW65x D55 mm
Photo: Aki Yoshida
- 1999
- 広島県生まれ
- 2018
- 京都市立芸術大学美術学部工芸科 入学
- 2022
- 京都市立芸術大学美術学部工芸科漆工専攻 卒業
- 1999
- Born in Hiroshima Prefecture
- 2018
- Admission to Kyoto City University of Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Crafts
- 2022
- Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Crafts, Department of Lacquering
I mainly work on words, letters, and animals. Words have their origins and meanings, and they live in their respective worlds, such as the process by which the letters and words became the letters used today, the spine and ribs of animals, and the bones that make up the limbs. I am interested in the body that has evolved for this purpose. Every day I try and error how to express them in my world using lacquer.