柴川 敏之
Toshiyuki Shibakawa
出現Ⅱ.40140921 (2000年後に発掘された招き猫の化石)
Appearance II.40140921 (Fossil of the Beckoning Cat Excavated in the 41st Century)
Mixed Media, Painting
180H×104W×100D mm
柴川 敏之(1966年大阪府生まれ)は、「2000年後の発掘現場」のインスタレーションを展開し、近年ではそこから発掘された出土品(化石)タイプの作品を制作している。“41世紀の出土品”を通して、現代の位置を改めて意識し、今の時代に生きることの意味をより認識できるはずである。
Shibakawa Toshiyuki (b. 1966, Osaka, Japan) has conducted his artistic activity under the theme of “contemporary society as seen from 2000 years in the future.” In recent years, he has produced works of ‘fossil’ excavated from there. With his 41st-century fossilized works acting as a motivation, viewers are led to reconsider their present positions and to realize the meaning of living in the present.