山口 美音
Mio Yamaguchi
One Blue Flash
Stoneware, hand building
Photo: Yoshinori Tanaka
- 1992
- 愛知県生まれ
- 2017
- 愛知教育大学大学院 教育学研究科芸術教育専攻 修了
- 2021
- 多治見市陶磁器意匠研究所 セラミックスラボ 修了
- 2016
- 第3回 金沢・世界工芸トリエンナーレ2017金沢世界工芸コンペティション 入選
- 萩大賞展IV 入選
- 第50回 女流陶芸公募展 京都府知事賞
- 2017
- やきものの現在 -土から成るかたちpart XV- (ギャラリーヴォイス/岐阜)
- 第11回 国際陶磁器展美濃 入選
- 2018
- 高津未央・山口美音展 (ギャラリー艸居/京都)
- 2020
- やきものの現在 in KAFK ONLINE 2020 ‐Real (ギャライーヴォイス/岐阜)
- 山口美音展 (ギャラリー数寄/愛知)
- 2021
- 笠間陶芸大賞展 入選(茨城県陶芸美術館)
- 1992
- Born in Aichi, Japan
- 2015
- Bachelor of Arts, Aichi University of Education, Aichi
- 2017
- Master of Pedagogy (Arts), Aichi University of Education Master’s Program
- 2021
- Ishoken(Tajimi City Pottery Design and Technical Center), 18th Ceramics Lab Course
- 2016
- Selected for the 3rd Triennale of KOGEI in Kanazawa, Ishikawa
- Selected for Ceramic Art in the Present Tense – The Hagi Grand Prix IV (Hagi Uragami Museum / Yamaguchi)
- The 50th Women’s Association of Ceramic Art Exhibition, Kyoto Governor’s Prize Winner
- 2017
- The Present Situation of Ceramic Art – Part XV (gallery VOICE / Gifu)
- Selected for the 11th International Ceramics Competition Mino, Japan (Ceramic Park Mino / Gifu)
- 2018
- Mio Takatsu and Mio Yamaguchi Exhibition (Sokyo Gallery / Kyoto)
- 2019
- Favorite Form Exhibition – Multiplication and Ornament (Gallery SUKI / Aichi)
- 2020
- The Present Situation of Ceramic Art – in KAFK 2020 ONLINE -Real (gallery VOICE, Gifu)
- Mio Yamaguchi solo exhibition (Gallery SUKI / Aichi)
- 2021
- KASAMA Ceramic Award 2021 Selected (Ibaraki Ceramic Art Museum)