上田 剛
Tsuyoshi Ueda
bronze, metalcasting
- 2010
- 金沢美術工芸大学 工芸科卒業
- 2012
- 東京藝術大学大学院 美術研究科工芸専攻 修了
- 2018
- 金沢美術工芸大学工芸科 非常勤講師
- 2011
- 第6回佐野ルネッサンス鋳金展第2部門奨励賞受賞
- 2013
- 第7回佐野ルネッサンス鋳金展入選
- 2013
- 第53回日本クラフト展入選
- 2014
- 第54回日本クラフト展入選
- 2015
- 第8回佐野ルネッサンス鋳金展入選
- 2017
- 「ワールド工芸100選」/富山県美術館
- 2021
- 国際工芸アワードとやま入選/富山県美術館
- 2010
- Graduated Kanazawa College of Art, Department of Crafts
- 2012
- Graduated Graduate School of Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Crafts
- 2018
- Started working as Part-time Lecturer at Kanazawa College of Art, Department of Crafts
- 2011
- The 2nd Category Encouragement Award for the 6th Sano Renaissance
- 2013
- Selected for the 7th Sano Renaissance
- 2013
- Selected for the 53rd Japan Crafts Exhibition
- 2014
- Selected for the 54th Japan Crafts Exhibition
- 2015
- Selected for the 8th Sano Renaissance
- 2017
- Selected for "WORLDS KOGEI (artisan crafts) 100" Exhibition @Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art and Design Toyama
- 2021
- Selected for International KOGEI Award in TOYAMA @Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art and Design Toyama